Saturday, 3 March 2012



This is the first stage of meditation. All beginners will notice many kind of body reaction - feeling pain, sweating, itchiness, warm, cold, ants running, vibration, expansion of body to become a huge mountain, body become very light during his or her early stage of meditation. Don’t attach to body feeling. Let it pass and just noted.  

Before I learn meditation, my 5 senses ( eye, mouth, ear, nose and body) are 5 biggest enemies in my life. They are ego and hard to control, our mouth like good taste food and drink (happy) and dislike salty or biter food ( unhappy). Similarly for the eye, it love beautiful thing like luxury car, beautiful girl or man, etc .Our ear - hear other praise us we are happy but when people condemn or scold us we are angry and upset.  These 5 enemies make our life miserable - sometime we get it ( happy) and sometimes we don’t (unhappy).

Therefore, if we can lock up these five enemies in our life, we will have less problem. They are the main trouble maker brought in all good and bad thing in our mind. In meditation when I said I lock up the 5 enemies means that I sit down ( to stop movement of the body- first enemy lock up), then close my eyes ( second enemy lock up), close my ear means letting sound enter right ear and let it leave from left ear. Don’t pay attention to what people say.( lock up third enemy). The nose is easy to control- just concentrate on inhale and exhale and don’t try to differentiate the smell. (lock up forth enemy) and fifth enemy is easy to control – just close your mouth and don’t talk, eat or drink. ( lock up fifth enemy).

Initially you will find these 5 enemies are hard to control. Our ear will tends to listen to outside sound.. but don’t worry….consistently remind yourself, let it go from right ear to left ear.. I will not react to it… it is just micro wave passing our body… there is nothing to worry and concern about… when you do it every day non-stop for several weeks, one day you will notice you hear nothing anymore… enemy is down and under control… good progress…….but shouldn’t be too happy about it.. be calmed and treat it as norm…

Day by day, we train our enemies one by one to become calm and listen to our order. These enemies will eventually become our good friend .... They will not ask you to do this and that any more. Instead they understand what is good for you and also know how to filter bad energy from entering your mind.... 

1 comment:

  1. When you do this exercise, you should think of nothing for this exercise to be effective. The Indians and chinese have been doing these exercises for centuries to cure ailments and sickness.

    shim sung information
