In meditation, mind is the main
enemy we need to handle with care and full concentration. Before we can fight
with this major enemy, I have taught you to lock up the 5 enemies first.
Otherwise we will have 6 enemies to fight- very tough job!
In meditation, I want you to look
inward into your inner self. Since your 5 senses are totally blocked (we lock
up the 5 enemies). We then can concentrate our attention to handle the biggest enemy
in our sub-conscious mind. Why can’t we open our eye and meditate for a beginner?
Because we tend to see outside world rather than inner world. Our 5 senses (channel)
allow good and bad energy enter our mind without filter. That is why our daily
experiences, education, movie we watch, the book we read enter our mind and
stay in our sub-conscious mind for life time. Our mind is like a computer. When
we download file to our computer, it become heavy and slow. Sometime our
computer is hanging or out of order due to attacked by virus which we down
loaded. Similarly if we are not conscious- we might receive some bad energy
from our surrounding such as from our friend, family or movie without
Imaging how much files we downloaded
to our sub-conscious mind every day. If we multiply by 365 days x no’s of years
we live. This is a huge data base. The worse thing is that we let it grow automatically
without filtering every second. What will happen to us? We become a confuse
person! Our happiness will depend too much on the how much good and bad energy
in our database. We become emotion easily and sometime react too fast on small
issue! For computer, we spend some time
to clear some of old files or some files which is not important any more. We
also have anti-virus software to protect our computer. But, how many of us
really spend few minutes every day to check our files? Maybe less than 0.00001
per cent!
Meditation at night is a very
good way to look into the files we downloaded to our sub-conscious mind. We can
scan through all events from early morning to last minutes before we meditate.
By doing that, we will be able to clear those unnecessary files or bad energy which
we received on that day (such as anger or jealousy, frustration). The amount of
this good and bad database is what I consider them as bad or good energy in our
mind will affect our life style, behaviour, believe and value system. Furthermore,
if we receive negative energy daily, we will be unhappy and stress. It will
eventually make us less confidence and unable to concentrate doing work.
Therefore, meditation is a useful
technique to train our mind become more observance and powerful. We can then
control our emotion and energy. We will not simply waste our energy to fight
with other or use our energy to fight with our stress. I notice cancer patient
spent too much time fighting with stress within themselves. They are not aware
of how and where the stresses come from.
Since we know what is affecting
our mind and how it enter our sub-conscious mind. We can now learn the step by
step technique to restructure our mind; re-train our mind in the way we want it
to be. In the first level of meditation–
mindfulness on body, we learn the technique to lock up the 5 senses. We can
control whether we want to listen or not, we want to see or not, we want to eat
or not etc. When these 5 enemies became our friends. They will help us to stop
new database to enter our sub-conscious mind. This is very important step in
meditation. No more new trouble coming to us. We then have time to clear old database
and some bad energy in our sub-conscious mind. Bad energy normally will appear
quite frequent during your initial stage of meditation. It come in and out and
need your attention. That is why a lot of student always complaint" I can’t sit down for 5
minutes, I will go crazy". Because we normally ignore the problems we face and it
accumulated one by one and inside our sub-conscious for long time. When you go
home ( inner world of yourself), it is like a manager whom have been in-charge
of your inner world happy to see you back and quickly want to report thousand
of problems to you in very short time. He has made many decision on behalf of
you for long but not sure right or wrong. Some of decision he made might hurt
you in some way and some might benefited you. But he is still not sure whether
you like it or not. He will repeatedly want you to go through the files again and
make your own decision - whether to take action on that issue or forgive it …..We
have to be patient to listen to these problems.
My advice to you is that you must
tell your inside manager that since you are back, you will take over his duty
and starting from that day onward, you will make the final decision for all
issues. By doing that, you become owner of yourself!
During meditation, once there is
no disturbance from body, you have plenty of time to clear all old files in
your sub-conscious mind. Remember to delete the files one by one especially the
bad energy file. Forgive them if somebody hurt you before. Past is past, let go
and we can’t never bring back again. Live now, NOT in the past. Some people
tends to live in the past and suffering because past bad experiences such as
business failure or love issues. Wake up my friend, if you are taking your meal
and don’t know what it taste or still thinking of the past ( even thing happen
few minutes ago), then you are not living now. When you are walking pass a
beautiful garden but your mind is wondering around , you will not be able to
enjoy beautiful nature around you during the period of time. You
miss a lot of wonderful thing happen around you in your life.
This form of meditation uses a sound or mantra that many Buddhist monks or even shamans have used to create energetic vibrations that would stimulate cells in the body to help it clear and strengthen. It also is considered to be a pathway to spiritual awakening and personal development. ilchi lee chakra healing